Saturday 24 November 2007

Scene modes

I took this shot in twilight landscape mode: an attempt equivalent to cross processing in film cameras. It was an off white tunnel with similar coloured lighting. After increasing temperature the new azure complemented the surreal mood well.

exp: 1/15 sec at f/2.8
ISO: 100
Meter: CWE

Low light

Similar to most digital cameras I have seen so far, when it comes to low light photographs, noise is a significant issue here. Tiny pixels in a cramped atmosphere simply can't cope. I concentrated here more in old rules of composition such as viewing angle, lines etc. and ... as in the movie Matrix there is always a red dress. Image stabiliser came handy in such long exposures.

exp:1/2 sec f/2.8
ISO: 125


Exposure latitude is enough for average situations, but for this scene: to capture all the drama in the sky as well as not to compromise details of the ground, one will need a bigger sensor of a DSLR. Alternative solution is to take advantage of exposure compensations of K800i. Several frames at different exposure settings can be taken from a fixed point and then united in software. Photoshop's HDR option is quite helpful.


exp: 1/640 sec at f/2.8
ISO: 80

Infinite focus

Depth of field is well suited for landscape mode. Back to front sharpness is above average for a point and shoot camera. Here I used photo filter in image software to have more vibrant colours, but original colour reproduction was fairly acceptable.

Exp:1/800 f/2.8 -1/3 EV
Meter: CWE

Macro mode

The output is remarkably sharp in macro mode. Lighting was tricky, there was high contrast between bright light and shadow, yet details were well preserved.


exp: 1/100sec at f/2.8
iso: 80
meter: centre weighed evaluation (CWE)

Monday 19 November 2007

Auto mode

Image taken on a full automatic mode. The camera reproduces colour well when lighting condition is good. Here exposure was spot on. Black spider did not fool the camera to overexpose the sky.

Exposure: 1/640 sec at f/2.8
Meter: centre weighed evaluation (CWE)